Thursday, June 9, 2011

Doofus Of The Day #485

Via Reddit, we learn of a wedding in Scotland that probably qualifies both the bride and the groom for a Doofus award. Let the news clipping speak for itself.

And this happened at a Temperance Hall? Something tells me its designation was honored more in the breach than in the observance! Must have been high dram-a . . .

(And, yes, this proves that being a Doofus can be dangerous. It might get you kilt!)



Bob@thenest said...

Would have never thought about it at all, but now that we know of it, surely this isn't the first time in a long, long history that it has happened? Yuck!

And I *don't* need a picture!

Rev. Paul said...

Given the nature of the brew-haha, I'll forgive the puns. :)